Jonnathan Elizondo: Teaching by Passion, Reading for Fun, Writing as a Dream!
Jonnathan (yes double n) is a Costa Rican teacher who grew up in a small town in Upala. He went to both a rural school and high school. Even when his original plan was to study something that has nothing to do with teaching, somehow the universe conspired to make the latter happen.
Being just a regular countryside boy with big dreams in mind, he left his family at the age of 17 to go to college and later on decided to move to San José in order to finish his masters degree at Universidad de Costa Rica and find a better job.
His great passions in life are family, friends, reading, and a good cup of coffee.
In his free time, he is an amateur photographer and true believer that education is a powerful tool that can easily change the world!
Nothing makes this EFL teacher happier than a good laugh, a walk by the beach, and a good book.
He started as a teacher in 2006 and has been falling more and more in love with teaching since then. Some of his jobs have included being Professor at Universidad Internacional de las Américas and UNED, English Coordinator for regional sites at Colegio Universitario BOSTON, Examiner for Cambridge International exams, and teacher at Colegio Los Ángeles. He is currently an EFL teacher at MEP and a professor at UNED.
Even when private institutions are excellent, he keeps on believing in public education and hard work to achieve your dreams no matter how big they might seem.
Jonnathan Elizondo is an experienced EFL professional who devotes his time and energy seeking ways to enhance his students´ learning processes. He is especially interested in exploring the impact of technology in the English classroom and specifically in using ICTs to improve students’ listening and speaking skills. Currently, this is the topic of his dissertation to obtain a PhD in Education from Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNINI) in Mexico.
A thought he strongly identifies with is Albert Einstein’s "I never teach my pupils. I only provide the conditions in which they can learn.”